It's been a great week for getting things crossed off the To Do list. Remember the fabric I found a couple of posts ago? Every since then I've been washing and pressing it. The last of it was laundered yesterday. Really pleased that that's crossed off! Washing.
The Girl Friday's were talking yesterday about how driven I can be. Now I take that as a compliment but I was thinking about where it comes from ( apart from the values taught to me by my folks) and it really stems back to when I was in the theatre. I used to have a recurring dream about being on stage and not having taken the time to learn my lines properly. It would be my turn to deliver a line and of course, because I hadn't done the preparation, I didn't have the faintest idea what I was supposed to say. I never want to be in that position for real so I always take time to prepare.
The Winter Solstice fair is drawing closer and that's what I'm working towards and focusing on right now. Sewing is never a chore and I'm loving every minute of getting my handmades together. This week I've focused on pin-boards for the stall.
I can now cross those off the list. Pin-boards
I'm half way through making coaster pairs. They'll be complete by the end of this evening. Half way stage!
The Girl Friday's were treated to cake yesterday (thanks Victoria).
Mr Tread Softly and I gave up smoking 18 months ago and since then we've both gained a bit of weight. The diet starts on Tuesday so then cake will definitely be crossed off the list. Cake!
I've also got to get through these by then which really won't be a chore! A parcel arrived by courier out of the blue from Myra (father in law's partner). This is what she sent:
They're all my favourites. I posted about them here a while back. There was a little note attached that read:
"Can't do much to help with your 'making bee' leading up to the Winter Solstice Fair but hope this will keep the energy levels up to support your creativity."
How thoughtful is that?! THANK YOU Myra! You comment on every post and know how to treat a crafting girl. I'm so grateful for that.
I've been talking to Melissa about wanting one of her gorgeous scarfs in an adult size. We were also discussing the possibility of adding a little opening so that one end could be threaded through the other. We were having real trouble working out how it could be done. She's snowed under at the moment so gave me the go ahead to have a play. Not yet perfect but I know exactly what I have to do next time to rectify the little niggles. She just has one toddler sized scarf in her shop right now so I'd grab it if I were you! Fathom out how to include an opening.
Trumpet (King of his Castle) is worn out with all the activity going on in a little wooden cottage in small town New Zealand! Photograph Trumpet for the 100th time today.
My sewing machine is calling so I'd better get back to it. In the meantime, keep warm if you're on this side of the world and enjoy the sunshine if you're on the other!
Update blog.